BLM is an in your face expression of cultural Marxism and I hope that no JW's fall for it, not that the WTBS have explained any such activity, if they even understand what is going on over and above the usual " oh it's all Satan's system" mantra.
this sort of thing ?
"jehovah's witnesses state that black lives matter, as all lives matter".
" jehovah's witnesses join black lives matter rally".
BLM is an in your face expression of cultural Marxism and I hope that no JW's fall for it, not that the WTBS have explained any such activity, if they even understand what is going on over and above the usual " oh it's all Satan's system" mantra.
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
Who sponsors this organized activity?? add to the list of questions, who printed their placards, who printed their "I can't breath shirts"?
This was waiting to happen when the time was right, Black Lives Mater, ANTIFA - (the guys in all black) and other useful idiots for the hard left have long been funded by George Soros for the purpose of revolution or at least damage the trump presidency enough to derail the next election hopes.
Unfortunately for the poor Black families that live in the epicenter of the strife there is no good outcome, looting and burning does not help anybody.
2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses.
we warmly invite you to watch this year’s three-day convention presented by jehovah’s witnesses.
as a result of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, this year’s convention program is being presented online at
At least you will be able to get in the day before and save a good seat!
what do you think about this?.
If I can go to Walmart and stand around with hundreds of strangers, why couldn't I go to church with dozens of friends?
Because at walmart you don't have people singing loudly right next to to and standing so near that they spit on you when they talk!
a plane with 99 people on board has crashed into a populated area of karachi, but at least two of the passengers survive.
one of them is reported as saying, “god has been merciful”.
what kind of mercy was shown to the other 100 or more that died?.
Surprised he did not use the fits all expression - alahuackbar!
anyone ever hear of someone getting dfed in a congregation then moving cross country and joining another jw congregation and not telling them you were dfed.
And why would you want to?
a thesis: the discursive construction of freedom in the watchtower society. .
be aware, this thesis, although supremely stimulating, thought-provoking, fascinating, attention-grabbing, remarkable, noteworthy, and appealing, the author made use of out of the ordinary, worthy of note, and fascinating words and statements that, for the reader of average intelligence (like me), make for laborious reading.
"Farting against thunder" - I like that Vidqun.
does there seem to be a higher incidence of infidelity amongst the jws?.
my brother, who is an active jw and ministerial servant, has an elder friend who was recently disfellowshipped for having an affair with another sister in the hall.
it turns out this sister was divorced a few years earlier from a "worldly" man who had an affair on her.
Girl next door - top comment.
one thing that aggravates me is long concluding prayers, especially at the midweek meeting.
you work all day, rush home, grab a quick bite, dress up in meeting clothes.
then, go to the meeting.
loooooooong Prayers - Two words -Virtue Signaling.
i am pimo, but now have 40+ years of being a jw as i was raised in a 3rd generation family of witnesses and continue to fake my way through things - fading as i can.. for the vast majority of my time as a jw, the meetings were the central focus for all jws to get teaching, association, information and so on.
nothing was more important than being at the meetings!
over the last 20 years starting with the elimination of the weekly book study in homes and continuing down to today - my opinion is that the value/purpose of the weekly meetings continues to be diluted or minimized.
Wanna Exit - "But literally overnight, the book study disappeared and no one batted an eye."
Not so, we all quietly jumped for joy on the inside!